New absorbent acoustic materials from plastic bottle remnants


  • R. del Rey Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
  • J. Alba Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
  • J. Ramis Universidad de Alicante
  • V. J. Sanchís Universidad Politécnica de Valencia



sound absorption, textile absorbent, new materials, airflow resistivity, recycled fibre


In the building acoustics field usually fibrous materials are used as sound absorbing materials. Nowadays polyester fiber is one of the most used but the pure chip of polyester has a problem. Polyester is obtained of petroleum and its price was increasing last years. This paper, presents an alternative polyester wool which obtained by PET treatment (recycle of plastic bottle’s). Absorption coefficient values at normal incidence measured in reverberation chamber were compared (new wool obtained by PET method and materials obtained from pure chip of polyester).Furthermore, this paper propound a empiric model that describe the acoustic performance of this new wool. The results have been good. The pure fiber has been replaced by recycle fiber in its manufacture process.


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How to Cite

del Rey, R., Alba, J., Ramis, J., & Sanchís, V. J. (2011). New absorbent acoustic materials from plastic bottle remnants. Materiales De Construcción, 61(304), 547–558.



Research Articles