Carbon fibre-reinforced, alkali-activated slag mortars


  • J. S. Alcaide Universidad de Alicante
  • E. G. Alcocel Universidad de Alicante
  • F. Puertas Instituto de Ciencias de la Construcción Eduardo Torroja (CSIC), Madrid
  • R. Lapuente Universidad de Alicante
  • P. Garcés Universidad de Alicante



alkali-activated slog, mortar, carbon fibre, mechanical properties, corrosion


The paper describes the effect of carbon fibre on alkaliactivated slag mortar (AAS) mechanical strength, volume stability and reinforcing steel corrosion, compared to its effect on the same properties in Portland cement (PC) properties. Mechanical strength and volume stability tests were performed as set out in the respective Spanish UNE standards. The corrosion rate of steel embedded in the specimens studied was determined from polarization resistance analysis. One of the findings of the study performed was that carbon fibre failed to improve AAS or CP mortar strength. As far as volume stability is concerned, the inclusion of carbon fibres in AAS with a liquid/solid ratio of 0.5 reduced drying shrinkage by about 50%. The effect of carbon fibre on PC mortars differed from its effect on AAS mortars. Studies showed that in the presence of carbonation, steel corrosion reached higher levels in carbon-fibre reinforced AAS mortars; the inclusion of 1% carbon fibre improved corrosion resistance perceptibly in these same mortars, however, when exposed to chloride attack.


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How to Cite

Alcaide, J. S., Alcocel, E. G., Puertas, F., Lapuente, R., & Garcés, P. (2007). Carbon fibre-reinforced, alkali-activated slag mortars. Materiales De Construcción, 57(288), 33–48.



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