road network is an important development of any country. It has been
reported that the lack of the road network in sub-Saharan Africa has
increased the cost of goods by 30 to 50% (11.
National Economic and Social Council (CNES). 2005. The development of
road infrastructure: Needs for economical choice and better transport
security in French. 25th pleinary session CNES Publication Algiers
). In Algeria, the road network is about 127
thousand km, of which almost 6,000 km are motorways, in addition to 36
airfields, almost 90% of the volume of economic exchanges (22.
Public Transport Ministry (MTPT). Infrastructure General Directorate.
2019. Evaluation of Algerian road network in French.; Algiers Algeria.
Most of the pavements are of the flexible asphalt type. Given the
intensity of vehicle and machine traffic (for road runways) and aircraft
traffic (for airport runways), as well as the environmental conditions,
the loss of the structural characteristics of these pavements gives
rise to deformations and degradations, which manifest themselves in the
form of cracks propagating to the lower layers of these runways (33.
Susanna A, Crispino M, Giustozzi F, Toraldo E. 2017. Deterioration
trends of asphalt pavement friction and roughness from medium-term
surveys on major Italian roads; Int. J. Pavement Res. Technol.
10(5):421-433. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijprt.2017.07.002.
In Saharan arid areas, where temperatures are high, reflective
crackings are widespread, as these propagate from the running surface
downwards into the pavement body, adversely affecting the lower
sub-layers and considerably reducing the bearing capacity of the whole
and accelerating the deterioration of the pavement body (Figure 1).
literature has shown that the addition of surface layers (called
overlay), can increase the structural capacity and reduce axial and
tangential stresses, however this technique is costly and does not
guarantee the non-failure of the pavement, especially in high
temperatures areas and where rutting occurs (or the rutting spots) (44.
Abu El-Maaty AE. 2017. Temperature change implications for flexible
pavement performance and life. Int. J. Transp. Eng. Technol. 3(1):1-11. http://doi.org/10.11648/j.ijtet.20170301.11.
For this reason, other methods of maintenance and rehabilitation of
pavement structures are used, such as the technique of asphalt concrete
with additives (BBA), either with special fibers (55.
Chen Y, Wang H, Xu S, You Z. 2020. High modulus asphalt concrete: A
state-of-the-art review. Constr. Build. Mater. 237:117653. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2019.117653.
), with high modulus asphalt concrete (HMAB), or even with cold recycled bonded materials (CRBMs) (66.
Lacalle-Jiménez HI, Edwards JP, Thom NH. 2017. Analysis of stiffness
and fatigue resistance of cold recycled asphalt mixtures manufactured
with foamed bitumen for their application to airfield pavement design.
Mater. Construcc. 67(327):e127. https://doi.org/10.3989/mc.2017.04616.
), in order to resist plastic deformation when heavy traffic increases (77.
Perkins SW, Ismeik M. 1997. A synthesis and evaluation of
geosynthetic-reinforced base layers in flexible pavements- Part I.
Geosynth. Int. 4(6):549-604. https://doi.org/10.1680/gein.4.0106.
In the search for technologies that allow rapid repair and
reinforcement, while improving the durability of the road surface, the
innovative technique of applying geosynthetics, as materials that play
the dual role of separation and reinforcement, surfaced in the 1990s (88.
Mirzapour Mounes S, Rehan Karim M, Khodaii A, Hadi Almasi H. 2014.
Improving rutting resistance of pavement structures using geosynthetics-
An overview. Hindawi Publishing Corporation. 2014:764218. http://doi.org/10.1155/2014/764218.
This technique was applied, in addition to road and airport pavements
with heavy traffic, to solve problems of drainage, subsidence,
consolidation of subgrade soils and stability of railway platforms (99.
Indraratna B, Khabbaz H, Salim W. 2012. A laboratory study on
improvement of railway ballast using geosynthetics. Geotech. Eng.
Transp. Projects. 617-626. https://doi.org/10.1061/40744154.48.
More specifically, the types of geosynthetics, called “geogrids”, have
been successfully used to stabilize road, railway and airport sub-bases,
as well as to delay cracking and apparent distress (1010.
Giroud JP, Ah-Line C, Bonaparte R. 1984. Design of unpaved roads and
trafficked areas with geogrids- polymer grid reinforcement A conference
sponsored by SERC and Netlon Ltd. Thomas Telford London England 116-127.
, 1111.
Anderson P, Killeavy M. 1989. Geotextiles and Geogrids - Cost effective
alternate materials for pavement design and construction. Proceedings
of Geosynthetics ’89 IFAI. San Diego California USA. 2:353-360.
The effect of adding geogrids on the performance of asphalt concrete
has been shown to be effective in reducing stresses and strains in
flexible pavements (1212.
Abdessemed M, Kenai S, Bali A. 2015. Experimental and numerical
analysis of the behavior of an airport pavement reinforced by geogrids.
Constr. Build. Mater. 94:547–554. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2015.07.037.
Most previous research has focused on the optimal choice of geogrid
type and location to quantify its effectiveness in a flexible pavement
structure (1313.
Jasim AF, Fattah MY, Al-Saadi IF,Abbas AS. 2021. Geogrid reinforcement
optimal location under different tire contact stress assumptions. Int.
J. Pavement Res. Technol. 14:357–365. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42947-020-0145-6.
Full-scale tests have also been used to provide new insight into the
quantification of geogrid effectiveness on flexible pavement performance
Al-Qadi IL, Dessouky SH. Tutumluer E. 2008. Geogrid in flexible
pavements: validated mechanism. Transportation Research Record: Transp.
Res. Rec.: J. Transp. Res. Board. 2042 (1). https://doi.org/10.3141/2045-12.
few work have investigated simultaneously the optimal choice of the
type and the best location of geogrids in the sub-base layers of the
road or runway tested, taking into account the effect of the temperature
and the size of the samples (specimens) tested and this paper propose
to fill in this gap. This paper reports on the laboratory experimental
investigation conducted on thirty specimens, divided into two
categories. The first category consists of 14 specimens in the form of
prismatic beams, of dimensions (305×90×70) mm, made of bituminous
concrete mix designed according to the standards in force. While the
second category is composed of 16 samples in the form of rectangular
slabs of dimensions (500×180×100) cm, pre-cracked and tested in 3-point
bending. This is a simulation of flexible pavements before and after
their reinforcement with geogrid layers, with pre-cracking that allows
the controlled propagation of the apparent crack during loading. The
geosynthetics chosen (of the geogrid type) were manufactured and
co-produced in Algeria, with a glass fibre composition (1515.
Abdessemed M, Khengaoui S, Kenai S. 2021. Diagnostic d’une
infrastructure linéaire rigide - analyse expérimentale après
renforcement par geogrilles. Acad. J. Civ. Eng. 38(2):144-148. https://doi.org/10.26168/10.26168/ajce.38.2.33.
objective of this work is to analyse the influence and behavior of the
use of geogrid reinforcement, as well as the attachment of emulsion, in a
flexible pavement. Finite element numerical model was developed using a
commercial software and the stresses and displacements were found
comparable to the laboratory experimental results. The apparent crack
growth rate and displacement at the base of the asphalt pavement were
dependent on the value of the Young’s modulus and influenced by the type
of the geogrid used and the tack coat (1616.
Austin RA, Gilchrist AJT. 1996. Enhanced performance of asphalt
pavements using geocomposites. Geotext. Geomembr. 14(3-4):175-186. https://doi.org/10.1016/0266-114496.00007-6.
as well as the percentage of emulsion applied. In addition, the value
of this modulus (E) affects the vertical displacement of the bitumen
pavement and the normal stress due to concrete loading (1717.
Alimohammadi H. Zheng J, Schaefer VR, Siekmeier J, Velasquez R. 2021.
Evaluation of geogrid reinforcement of flexible pavement performance: A
review of large-scale laboratory studies. Transp. Geotech. 27(100471). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trgeo.2020.100471.
The high temperature, had an adverse effect on the mechanical
performance of the geogrid-reinforced bituminous pavement of the runway.
The insertion of the geogrid, with an emulsion layer at the interface,
gives gains of up to 50% for stresses and nearly 20% for displacements,
while the pre-crack, with insertion of the geogrid layer with cathodic
emulsion, improves the modulus of rupture (MOR) by around 10% and the
damping coefficient (k) can range from 2 to 5, which increases the life
of the reinforced asphalt pavement, by delaying upward cracking and
reflection cracking. It was noted that the pseudo-dynamic HWD test made a
positive contribution to the comprehension of the behavior of a
flexible pavement in a hot clammy hot dry, area before and after
reinforcement with geogrids (1818.
Abdessemed M, Bazzine R, Kenai S. (2022). Application of the synthetics
geo-composites in the arid zones for rehabilitation of the flexible
pavements road experimental analysis. In: Di Benedetto H, Baaj H,
Chailleux E, Tebaldi G, Sauzéat C, Mangiafico S. (eds) Proceedings of
the RILEM International Symposium on Bituminous Materials. ISBM 2020.
RILEM Bookseries, Springer, Cham. 27:279–284. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-46455-4_35.
⌅2.1. Materials used in the laboratory
concrete mixes were prepared to fabricate 30 specimens, divided into
two categories of test specimens, were prepared, using two different
types of geogrids and two types of emulsions different percentages. All
these materials were chosen according to the test conditions and the
equipment and instrumentation available in accordance with the standards
in force (1919.
Freire RA, Di Benedetto H, Sauzéat C, Pouget S, Lesueur D. 2021. Crack
propagation analysis in bituminous mixtures reinforced by different
types of geogrids using digital image correlation. Constr. Build. Mater.
303:124522. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2021.124522.
2.1.1. Bituminous concrete
composition of the asphalt concrete used to manufacture the test
specimens was carried out according to the UNE-EN 13108-1 standard (2020.
Afnor Editions Normes NF EN 13108-1. 2008. Mélanges bitumineux -
spécifications des matériaux - Partie 1: enrobés bitumineux 53 pages.
Indice de classement: P 98-819-1, ICS: 93.080.20. Lavoisier France.
After preliminary tests and in order to estimate the appropriate
dosage, a formulation study mix design was carried out, using granular
fractions of crushed sand (0/3), gravel in (3/8) and medium gravel
(8/15). For pure 40/50 bitumen, the optimum bitumen content is 5.6%. (2121.
Total France Direction Bitumes. 2006. Caractéristiques techniques
AZALT- Bitumes routiers de la norme NF EN 12591. Retrieved from https://services.totalenergies.fr/pro/produits-services/bitumes.
The dosage of binder applied was 800 g/m². It should be noted that the
impregnation dosage is necessary due to the presence of the geogrid.
According to EN 13285-3:2013 (2222.
Afnor Editions Normes NF EN 13285. 2018. Graves non traitées –
Spécifications Normes nationales et documents normatifs nationaux 30
pages France.
) and EN 13108-2:2013 (2323.
Afnor Editions Normes NF EN 13108-2. 2017. Mélanges bitumineux -
Spécifications pour le matériau - Partie 2 : bétons bitumineux très
minces BBTM. Normes Francaises et Europiènnes 26 pages France.
the dosage value varies between 600 and 800 g/m², which is recommended
to ensure good adhesion between the applied geogrid and the bituminous
concrete, especially in climatic conditions in arid zones, which favours
the compensation for the evaporation.
2.1.2. Cationic emulsions
types of cationic emulsions, as a tack coat, usually used in practice
during the construction and repair of road and airport pavements, were
applied to the interface between the sub-layers of the laboratory-made
specimens (2424.
Correia NS, Zornberg JG. 2014. Influence of tack coat rate on the
properties of paving geosynthetics. Transp. Geotech. 1(1):45-54. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trgeo.2014.01.002.
, 2525.
Zhang W. 2017. Effect of tack coat application on interlayer shear
strength of asphalt pavement: A state-of-the-art review based on
application in the United States. Int. J. Pavement Res. Technol.
10(5):434-445. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijprt.2017.07.003.
These were ECR 65% and ECR 69% emulsions, which have a low viscosity
and a rapid rupture and contained a sufficient quantity of bitumen. The
application temperature of the emulsion is generally between 60 and
2.1.3. Reinforcing geogrids
types of geogrids with different properties from different
manufacturers were used. The reason for choosing these two types over
others is that they have been used in several airport and road pavement
reinforcement projects in Algeria over the last ten years, in compliance
with the relevant suppliers (2626.
Rahmani A. 2012. Experimental study of the behaviour of a flexible
pavement reinforced with a glass fibre-based geogrid. Doctoral thesis.
National School of Public Works, Algiers, [s.l.]: [s.n.]
, 2727.
Abdessemed M. Kenai S. 2016. Reduction of cracks in airport runways
using geogrids. Scientific and technical study day on geosynthetic
products ouargla Algeria.
). The first type is a
geogrid composed of a reinforcing grid of E-glass cable, bonded to a
polypropylene nonwoven called GEOTER FNG 50/50 (Figure 2a). The second type is a geogrid made of high modulus polyester and wrapped with a bituminous coating called HaTelit® C 40/17 (Figure 2b).
Both types of geogrids were tested with a quality control to determine
the mechanical characteristics of each. The two tests to be carried out
are the tensile test of the wide strips, using the Instron 5900
universal tensile machine (Figure 3), located at the Algiers Public Works Control Centre (CTTP), according to the ISO-10319 standard (2828.
Norme ISO 10319. 2015. Géo-synthétiques — Essai de traction des bandes
larges.Edition 3. Comité technique ISO / TC 221 Produits
géo-synthétiques ICS 59 080 70 Géotextiles.
), which
determines the tensile strength in both directions and the test to
determine the surface mass of the geosynthetic layers (according to the
standard: ISO-9864) (2929.
Normes ISO 9864. 2005. Géosynthétiques — Méthode d’essai pour la
détermination de la masse surfacique des géotextiles et produits
apparentés Comité technique ISO/TC 221. Produits géosynthétiques ICS
59.080.70 Geotextiles.
). The specification and test results for the two geogrids are given in Table 1.
Specification | Type1: GEOTER FNG 50/50 | Type2: HaTelit® C 40/17 |
Tensile strength (kN/m) (longitudinal direction) | 51.33 | 49.13 |
Tensile strength (kN/m) (tranversal direction) | 55.03 | 56.64 |
Percentage of deformation at rupture | 5.2% | 5.6% |
Materials | E glass cables associated with polypropylene | Polyester |
Unit weight (g/m²) | 340 | 268.1 |
Gris size (mm × mm) | 25×25 | 40×40 |
Content of bitumen (%) | Uncoated | > 60 |
2.2. Testing programs
⌅The experimental study consists of evaluating, the flexural strength and the modulus of rupture, using seven different prismatic beams (305×90×75 mm): standard beam (control), beam with emulsion1 and beam with emulsion2, beam reinforced by geogrid1 with emulsion1, beam reinforced by geogrid1 with emulsion2, beam reinforced by geogrid2 with emulsion1 and beam reinforced by geogrid2 with emulsion2. For each test, two specimens were tested and the average values strength and modulus of ruptura are reported. The deflection was measured with a linear variable displacement transducer (LVDT), and the load-displacement curves were plotted.
Three point vending tests were also conducted on eight
pre-cracked asphalt concrete slabs of 500×180×100 mm, with the insertion
of emulsions and geogrids: standard slab not pre-cracked (reference),
pre-cracked reference slab, pre-cracked slab with emulsion1, pre-cracked
slab with emulsion2, pre-cracked slab with emulsion1 and geogrid1,
pre-cracked slab with emulsion2 and geogrid1, pre-cracked slab with
emulsion2 and geogrid1 and pre-cracked slab with emulsion2 and geogrid2.
The objective of this second serie of tests is to evaluate the crack
propagation on the behaviour of each emulsion and geogrid reinforced
bituminous slab (3030.
Poulikakos LD, Pittet M, Dumont AG, Partl MN. 2015. Comparison of the
two point bending and four point bending test methods for aged asphalt
concrete field samples. Mater. Struct. 48:2901–2913. https://doi.org/10.1617/s11527-014-0366-8.
, 3131.
Chen L, Qian Zh, Lu Q. 2013. Crack initiation and propagation in epoxy
asphalt concrete in the three-point bending test. Road Mater. Pavement
Des. 15(3):507-520. https://doi.org/10.1080/14680629.2014.908132.
2.3. Preparation of the specimens
total of 30 (thirty) specimens were made with the same composition of
bituminous concrete. These specimens are divided into two categories:
the first category, with a number of 14 (fourteen) prismatic beams in
the form of rectangular shaped slabs (305×90×75) mm, composed of two
layers of asphalt concrete, cationic emulsion (E1 or E2) and geogrids
(G1 or G2). Table 2 shows the details and identification of the manufactured slabs tested
under three-point bending test with a span of 240 mm where the flexural
strength and modulus of ruptura were determined. Deflection was measured
using a linear variable displacement transducer (LVDT), in accordance
with ASTM E2309 (3232.
ASTM E2309/E2309M-20. 2020. Standard practices for verification of
displacement measuring AFNOR Editions. American Standards ASTM, USA.
). All tests were were conducted at 20°C, under displacement control at a constant speed of 50.8 mm/min.
Identification | Size (mm) | Nomination | Test |
Reference | (305×90×75) | R | 3- point bending |
With emulsion 1 | (305×90×75) | E1 | 3- point bending |
With emulsion 2 | (305×90×75) | E2 | 3- point bending |
Emulsion1 + Geogrid1 | (305×90×75) | E1G1 | 3- point bending |
Emulsion2 + Geogrid1 | (305×90×75) | E2G1 | 3- point bending |
Emulsion1 + Geogrid2 | (305×90×75) | E1G2 | 3- point bending |
Emulsion2 + Geogrid2 | (305×90×75) | E2G2 | 3-point bending |
slabs of this first category represent a simulation of the repair of a
deteriorated asphalt layer and recharged by a top layer with emulsion
bonding and geogrid insertion. In effect, the lower layer simulated an
existing deteriorated asphalt layer and the upper layer represented the
reinforcement layer (overlay). The first step in the manufacture of the
slabs was to produce a 50 mm high asphalt concrete layer in an
appropriately sized mould and to compact it using the rolling compaction
procedure in accordance with NF-EN 12697-33 (3333.
Afnor Editions Normes NF EN 12697-33. 2020. Mélanges bitumineux -
Méthodes d’essai - Partie 33: préparation de corps d’épreuve au
compacteur de plaque Normes nationales et documents normatifs nationaux.
The second category is composed of 16
pre-cracked slab specimens of dimensions (500×180×100 mm), made with a
concrete-asphalt mixture, prepared in accordance with European standards
(EN 12697-35) (3434.
Afnor Editions Normes NF EN 12697-35. 2017. Mélanges bitumineux -
Essais - Partie 35 : malaxage de laboratoire Normes nationales et
documents normatifs nationaux, France.
). These slabs are composed of layers of asphalt concrete, cationic emulsion (E1 or E2) and geogrids (G1 or G2). Table 3 shows the details and identification of these slabs.
Identification | Size (mm) | Nomination | Test |
Reference (uncracked) | (500×180×100) | RR | 3- point bending |
Reference (pre-cracked) | (500×180×100) | PRR | 3- point bending |
Pre-cracked with emulsion1 | (500×180×100) | PE1 | 3- point bending |
Pre-cracked with emulsion2 | (500×180×100) | PE2 | 3- point bending |
Pre-cracked with emulsion1 + geogrid1 | (500×180×100) | PE1G1 | 3- point bending |
Pre-cracked with emulsion2 + geogrid1 | (500×180×100) | PE2G1 | 3- point bending |
Pre-cracked with emulsion1 + geogrid2 | (500×180×100) | PE1G2 | 3-point bending |
Pre-cracked with emulsion2 + geogrid2 | (500×180×100) | PE2G2 | 3- point bending |
The calculated amount of mixture was poured into preheated moulds of dimensions (500×180×100 mm) and compacted in the laboratory using the roller plate compactor in accordance with the above-mentioned standard (EN 12697-33).
The production of the double-layer slabs was
carried out in several stages. In the first stage, the bottom layer was
compacted to a thickness of 50 mm, which resulted in an air void content
of approximately 5%. After cooling the slab for 4 hours in the
laboratory, the bituminous emulsion was spread at the interface and left
for 1 hour in the air to evaporate. Then the geogrid was carefully
placed and a 50 mm top bituminous layer was applied and compacted (Figure 4a).
Compaction was applied until an air void content of approximately 5%
was achieved. The determination of the latter was done according to NF
EN 12697-8 (3535.
Afnor Editions Normes BS EN 12697-8. 2019. Matériaux enrobés. Méthodes
d’essai Normes anglaises BSI ICS 93.080.20. Matériaux de construction
des routes. France.
). Finally, the direction of
compaction was marked on the surface of the slab in order to carry out
the tests in the correct direction of traffic.
In order to
simulate a flexible pavement (road or airfield), with matching cracks, a
40 mm notch was made at the base of the manufactured slab (10 mm below
the geogrid) by sawing to impose the location of the crack initiation (Figure 4a).
Thus, during the test, the crack propagation starts at the location of
the pre-crack. In order to perfectly visualise the crack path, a layer
of plaster was spread over the central area of the samples. The
objective of this second category of specimens is to study the effect of
crack propagation on the behaviour of a slab reinforced (Figure 4b), simultaneously, with a geogrid layer and the type of emulsion chosen (3636.
Saride S, Kumar VV. 2017. Influence of geosynthetic-interlayers on the
performance of asphalt overlays on pre-cracked pavements. Geotext.
Geomembr. 45(3):184-196. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geotexmem.2017.01.010.
⌅Non-destructive in situ tests, were carried out with a heavy duty deflectometer (HWD) in the main directions (longitudinal and transversal) of the runway of the national aerodrome of Ouargla (800 km south-east of Algiers), before and after its reinforcement by the application of a tack coat on the degraded layer and the insertion of a geogrid. Emulsion (E2) and non-woven geogrid were used, given their good performance during the laboratory tests.
3.1. Description of the falling weight deflectometer
is a non-destructive test device designed to reproduce, by means of an
impact on a disc in contact with the road surface, the load
corresponding to half an axle of a truck travelling at approximately 80
km/h and to measure, at the same time, the deflections generated on the
surface. This test offers the possibility to vary the intensity of the
applied load according to the structural stiffness observed in situ (3737.
Donovan P, Tutumluer R. 2009. Falling weight deflectometer testing to
determine relative damage in asphalt pavement unbound aggregate layers.
Transp. Res. Rec.: J. Transp. Res. Board. 2104(1):12-23. https://doi.org/10.3141/2104-02.
HWD loads, designed for roadways and airports, are generally between 20
and 75 kN. This device could be used to make relative comparisons of
pavements based on deflection indices and to determine the structural
capacity of pavements and the modulus of elasticity of material layers
by back-calculation. HWD can also be used to calculate deformations and
stresses in pavements, detection of voids under slabs and as a tool for
pavement quality control during construction.
HWD is used for
deflection testing on flexible or rigid pavements on airport runways
using additional loads where the total load can be up to 250 kN (3838.
Prayuda H, Kurniawati Djaha SI, Rahmawati H, Monika F, Adly E. 2021.
Young’s modulus and deflection assessment on pavement using a
lightweight deflectometer Int. J. GEOMATE. 20(77):10-17. https://doi.org/10.21660/2020.77.06188.
3.2. Ouargla runway case study
case study concerns the main runway (02/20) of an airfield that was
commissioned in 1951 and consists of two runways of 3000 × 45 m each.
Its pavement is composed of several sub-layers (Figure 5)
and this infrastructure has been the subject of several reinforcement
and modernisation works since it was commissioned. This runway is
operated by various aircraft and the critical aircraft criticized for
the study is a Boeing 737-800 (3939.
Public transport ministry 2010. Atlas Aéroportuaire/version Zéro,
Direction des Infrastructures Aéroportuaires Alger Algérie.
The procedure of reinforcement by insertion of the emulsion layer and geogrid sheet was as follows:
Scarification of 60 mm of the existing load-bearing asphalt concrete layer;
Sealing of exposed cracks;
Application of an adherent asphalt layer to the scarified surface;
Laying the geogrid layer on the central part of the runway, i.e. 2400 × 30 meters;
crossing wide-tyred trucks over the geogrid layer to remove the air trapped underneath;
Careful application of the asphalt concrete layers to the recommended thickness;
Finishing work.
geogrid used for the reinforcement of the main runway 02/20 and
ancillary structures is a non-woven geocomposite composed of continuous
polypropylene filaments combined with glass fiber cables, known as PGM-G
50x50 (Figure 6).
This non-woven geogrid composed of continuous glass filaments and
polypropylene fibers type of geogrid was used because of its superior
properties. These geogrids were different than those used in the
laboratory tests because of their unavailability from the manufacturer
during the laboratory tests (4040.
Afitex Algeria in French. 2021. Production unit rocessing of
non-metallic minerals wood and corkn Kharouba Boumerdes Algeria.
Retrieved from http://www.afitexalgerie.com.
Deflection measurements in the longitudinal direction were carried out by preforming six measurement profiles located at 3.5 m, 6.5 m and 12 m on either side of the main runway axis (Figure 7). The measurements were carried out before the reinforcement of the runway with geogrids (in 2009) and then after the reinforcement, i.e. seven years later (in 2017), in order to monitor its behaviour over time. A comparison between the two measurements is made to assess the effect of the geogrid reinforcement on the values of the deflections and stresses of the running surface (bituminous concrete). The comparison between the state of the runway, before and after its reinforcement, allows the contribution of the asphalt layers reinforced by the geogrid to the bearing capacity of the lower layers to be estimated.
⌅4.1 Flexural strength and modulus of rupture
⌅The first results obtained during the experimental investigation, in the laboratory, are presented in Figure 8,
observing the evolution of the flexural strength. These are -the
load-displacement curves of the different prismatic beams tested are
given in Figure 8.
The maximum load is determined at full crack propagation, prior to
total failure of the specimen. In all the tests carried out, the
specimens failed ductilely, without tearing or disintegration of the
applied geogrid. For the control beam, referred to as “R”, the maximum
load value was 15.37 kN, for a mid-span displacement of 0.223 mm. The
use of the emulsion layer type 2 (E2) is more effective than the one
used for the emulsion E1, due to the higher percentage of 69% compared
to 65%. The maximum load value is 16.83 kN (gain of 9.50%) for E2,
compared to 16.27 kN (gain of 5.86%) for E1. The use of an emulsion
layer seems to give a non-negligible gain in flexural strength (4141.
Pasquini E, Bocci M, Ferrotti G, Canestrari F. 2013. Laboratory
characterisation and field validation of geogrid-reinforced asphalt
pavements. Road Mater. Pavement Des. 14(1):17-35. https://doi.org/10.1080/14680629.2012.735797.
The insertion of the geogrid, with the emulsion layer at the interface,
avoids the provocation of the disbonding effect between the layers (4242. San S, Khazanovich L. 2021. Reconsidering the strength of concrete pavements Int. J. Pavement Eng. 24(2). https://doi.org/10.1080/10298436.2021.2020270.
and ensures an appreciable cohesion and gain for the pavement (the beam
in our case). Type 1 of the geogrid with E1 emulsion (E1G1 beam), gives
a value of 21.17 kN (a gain of 37.74%), compared to the value of 22.38
(G1 geogrid + E2 emulsion), therefore a gain of 45.61%. The E2 emulsion,
with the G1 geogrid (E2G1), gave a value of 22.53 kN (gain of 46.58%),
compared to the value of 23.08 kN (a gain of 50.16%). These results show
that it is more favorable to apply geogrid type 2 (or any equivalent
type), with the tack coat (E2 emulsion) for any reinforcement as the
gain is more than 50%.
the deflections (displacements at mid-span of the tested beam), the
above curves shows that the maximum displacement of the control beam (R)
is of the order of 0.353 mm, whereas for the G2 reinforcement and E1
emulsion, it is of the order of 0.415 mm, i.e. an increase of 19.26%,
opposing only 0.415 mm (gain of 17.56%) for the E2G2 beam and 0.398 mm
(gain of 12.75%), for the E2G1 beam. Concerning the emulsions applied
alone at the interface, which ensure good bonding (adhesion), reductions
in deflections were observed (0.270 mm for E1 and 0.245 mm for E2),
i.e. significant gains of the order of 23.51% (emulsion E1) and 30.59%
for emulsion E2 respectively. These tests also showed the importance of
the emulsion for the bonding of asphalt concrete layers, where the
mechanical performance is improved. The gain in mechanical performance
is more important when geogrids are used as reinforcement by the use of
emulsion, where the gain can reach 50% for the applied force and 31% for
the displacements. Consequently, the increase in mechanical performance
is closely related to the increase in adhesion between the two
bituminous layers and between the bitumen and the geogrid. The
comparison between the two types of geogrids used shows that the type 1
geogrid gave lower performance due to its insufficient resistance to
lateral movements. For the evolution of the modulus of rupture (MOR),
which is defined as the maximum stress that any rectangular prismatic
beam can withstand when subjected to bending and which allows the
evaluation of progressive damage, generally related to cracking (4343.
Ingrassia LP, Virgili A, Canestrari F. 2020. Effect of geocomposite
reinforcement on the performance of thin asphalt pavements: Accelerated
pavement testing and laboratory analysis. Case Stud. Constr. Mater.
12:e00342. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cscm.2020.e00342.
), Table 4,
gives the values found during the different tests of the specimens
used. These results shows that the insertion of the geogrid sheet
improves the modulus of rupture (MOR) by 8.74% for the beam (E2G2),
7.32% for the beam (E1G2), 4.47% for the beam (E2G1) and 4.07 for the
beam (E1G1). The beams with emulsions E1 or E2, do not seem to give any
gain in modulus of rupture (MOR), which proves that the emulsions, in
spite of the adhesion they provided, do not influence the stress at
Identification | Modulus of rupture (MPa) | Gap (%) |
Reference (R) | 4.92 | - |
With emulsion1 (E1) | 5.12 | - 4.07 |
With emulsion2 (E2) | 5.24 | -6.50 |
Emulsion1 + Geogrid1 (E1G1) | 4.72 | 4.04 |
Emulsion2 + Geogrid1(E2G1) | 4.70 | 4.47 |
Emulsion1 + Geogrid2 (E1G2) | 4.56 | 7.32 |
Emulsion2 + Geogrid2 (E2G2) | 4.49 | 8.74 |
4.2. Evolution of crack propagation
⌅The three points bending test was chosen to evaluate the perfromance of the pre-cracked slabs because it produces the maximum bending moment at the middle of the slabs. Figure 9 shows the different load-displacement curves obtained for the slabs tested.
load-deflection curves show that for each slab tested, the maximum load
(Pmax) is the failure one, with a clear advantage for
geogrid-reinforced slabs bonded with emulsion layers. The area under
each curve is composed of two zones: the zone under the curve up to the
flexural strength (Pmax), which represents the crack initiation energy
(Ei), while the zone under the curve from Pmax to the failure of the
specimen is the pre-crack propagation energy (called Eup) and the curve
between Pmax and the failure of the slab, which is the crack propagation
energy (called Ep). It is noted that no cracks occurred or appeared
(neither ordinary, nor of contiuation of the pre-crack) in the
specimens, before the maximum load Pmax (4444.
Biligiri KP, Said S, Hakim S. 2012. Asphalt mixtures’ crack propagation
assessment using semi-circular bending tests. Int. J. Pavement Res.
Technol. 5(4):209-217.
As all our specimens
(slabs) are made of two layers, the energy (Ep) is the sum of the energy
necessary for propagation in the lower layer (Einf) and the energy
necessary for propagation in the upper layer (Esup). The values of Ei
and Ep are calculated by the areas under each curve by discriminating
the curves. It was observed that the cracks started to propagate from
the notch tip (pre-crack), location of the stress’s highest
concentration and then upwards in the direction of the applied load,
perpendicular to the maximum principal tension (4545.
Ferrotti G, Canestrari F, Pasquini E, Virgili A. 2012. Experimental
evaluation of the influence of surface coating on fiberglass geogrid
performance in asphalt pavements. Geotext. Geomembr. 34:11-18. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geotexmem.2012.02.011.
It has been reported that in the case of reinforced pavements, the
reinforcement mainly affects the crack propagation in the top layer
(asphalt concrete wearing course) (4646.
Medjdoub A, Abdessemed M. 2023. Tests on the influence of cyclic
loading and temperature on the behaviour of flexible pavement reinforced
by geogrids with numerical simulation. Tehnički vjesnik. 30(2):521-529. https://doi.org/10.17559/TV-20220806010532.
). Based on the results obtained, it can be seen from Figure 9,
that the unreinforced and non-pre-cracked slab (RR) has a higher value
of flexural strength (Pmax) (27.45 kN) than the unreinforced and
pre-cracked slab (PRR) (24 kN) and this is due to the higher failure
energy, as a result of not facilitating crack initiation (no presence of
notch). The introduction of the emulsion layers ensured an adequate
bond between the interface of the slab and the double layer (4747.
Zhao H, Cao J, Zheng Y. 2014. Investigation of the interface bonding
between concrete slab and asphalt overlay. Road Mater. Pavement Des.
18(3):109-118. https://doi.org/10.1080/14680629.2017.1329866.
Values of the order of 28.5 kN for the pre-cracked slab with emulsion
E1 (PE1) and 29.2 kN for the pre-cracked slab with emulsion E2 (PE2)
were obtained, confirming the absence of disabonding at the interface.
The insertion of the geogrid sheet seems to give a very appreciable gain, with Pmax values for the slabs reinforced respectively by the type 1 geogrid and the type 2 geogrid, namely 30.2 kN (slab PEIGI), 31.4 kN (slab PE2G1), against the values of 32.5 kN (slab) PE1G2 and 33.4 kN (slab PE2G2 . The gain values are 21.70% (slab PE2G2), 18.40% (PE1G2 slab), 14.39% (slab PE2G1), 10.02% (slab PE1G1). The emulsions gave insignificant gains for Pmax, with a value of 6.38% (slab PE2) and 3.83% (slab PE1). The quantification of the contribution of the geogrid in the crack propagation phase is given, first, by the value of the crack propagation energy (EP), summing its value before and after the failure phase (Table 5). The coefficient of performance (k), defined as the ratio of the propagation energy of the unreinforced and pre-cracked slab (PRR) after failure, to the propagation energy of the reinforced and pre-cracked slab, is detailed in the Table below.
Identification | Energy before faillure (Ei) (kN-mm) | Energy after failure (Eup) (kN-mm) | Coefficient (k) |
Reference (RR) | 34.31 | 41.81 | - |
Pre-cracked (PRR) | 39.00 | 48.25 | - |
Pre-cracked (PE1) | 71.25 | 88.13 | 2.26 |
Pre-cracked (PE2) | 75.92 | 117.17 | 3.00 |
Pre-cracked (PE1G1) | 78.52 | 119.77 | 3.07 |
Pre-cracked (PE2G1) | 81.64 | 123.89 | 3.18 |
Pre-cracked (PE1G2) | 84.50 | 131.72 | 3.38 |
Pre-cracked (PE2G1) | 86.84 | 162.34 | 4.16 |
The results found, shows that the coefficient of performance (k), for the specimens tested in the laboratory and calculated for maximum deflection at mid-span, is influenced by the mode and type of reinforcement. It can be observed that, in addition to the bonding emulsions, all geogrids significantly increase the crack propagation (coefficient k) and significantly increase the crack propagation energy (Eup). Indeed, if the emulsions increase by almost 83% (E1 emulsion) and 143% (E2 emulsion), the geogrids surpass these Figures by far, with a percentage varying from 149% (PE1G1 slab), 157% (PE2G1 slab), 173% (PE1G2 slab) and 237% (PE2G2 slab).
These results show that the geogrid reinforcement (G2) with emulsion bonding (E2) performs best and delays the crack propagation in the notch above the reinforcement. The coefficient of performance (k) varies from a value of 2.26 (E1 emulsion) to a value of 4.16 (G2 reinforced slab and E2 emulsion), i.e. a difference of 84%, clearly indicates, that the service life of the reinforced asphalt pavement increases, by delaying the upward cracking and the reflection crack.
4.3. Behaviour of the track tested with HWD
⌅4.3.1. Deflections and stresses at geophone positions
determination of the values of deflections (displacements) at the
different positions of the geophones (called D1 to D9), located in the
right part of the longitudinal axis of the tested runway, before and
after its reinforcement with geogrids, is shown in Figures 10 and 11.
The evaluation was made by comparing the average values of the maximum
deflection (in µm), recorded at each position of the geophone, on the
one hand, and by reading the measured stress (in kPa), on the other.
These values are given simultaneously in the record by the HWD test (4848.
Ragni D, Montillo T, Marradi A, Canestrari F. 2020. Fast falling weight
accelerated pavement testing and laboratory analysis of asphalt
pavements reinforced with geocomposites Proceedings of the 5th
International Symposium on Asphalt Pavements & Environment APE.
). The values of deflection and stress are
given by the central geophone D1, which are 728 µm and 2610 kPa (before
reinforcement) and 786 µm and 2975 kPa (after reinforcement),
respectively. This means an average reduction of 7.89% for the
deflection of the wearing course and an average increase of 13.98% for
the stress. The reduction in deflection values reflects the contribution
of the reinforcement, together with the tack coat, to the bearing
capacity of the pavement of the reinforced runway.
4.3.2. Evolution of the elastic modulus
interpretation of the data generated by the HWD test is based on
inverse analysis processes. In fact, the data of the falling weight
technique, combined with the thickness of the pavement body layers,
provide information on the evolution of the Young’s modulus (elastic
modulus) of each layer of the structure along the profile of the
flexible track studied (4949.
Picoux B, El Ayadi A, Petit C. 2009. Dynamic response of a flexible
pavement submitted by impulsive loading. Soil Dyn. Earthq. Eng.
29(5):845-854. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.soildyn.2008.09.001.
This information can also be used to estimate the service life of the
structure and any repairs required. The variation of the modulus of
elasticity of the pavement of the emulsion-reinforced runway and the
geogrid insertion is given in Figure 12 (before reinforcement) and Figure 13 (after reinforcement), respectively. Before reinforcement and with the
degraded state of the runway, the average modulus of elasticity E1 of
the bituminous layer, varies between 2869 MPa and 3113 MPa, with an
overall average equal to 2979 MPa. The second measurements were carried
out seven years after rehabilitation (reinforcement of the runway) gave
values ranging from 4881 MPa to 5895 MPa, with an overall average equal
to 5538 MPa.
values show that the mechanical behaviour of the runway (with interface
emulsion) is improved by 86% in the presence of a geogrid and that the
life of the runway pavement can be extended (5050.
Ibrahim EM, El-Badawy SM, Ibrahim MH, Gabr A, Azam A. 2017. Effect of
geogrid reinforcement on flexible pavements. Innov. Infrastruct. Solut.
2:54. https://doi.org/10.1007/s41062-017-0102-7.
4.3.3. Comparison and discussion of values
recorded average deflections, elastic modulus and stresses before and
after reinforcement, in the different positions of the tested runway
width, are represented in Figures 14, 15 and 16.
These are the values measured for geophone D1 (the most unfavourable). A
considerable improvement in the value of the base course modulus for
geogrid-reinforced pavements compared to the unreinforced section is
obtained. it can also be seen that the correlation between the stiffness
of the geogrid type used and the thickness of the base course of the
reinforced pavement is satisfactory (5151.
Banerjee S, Srivastava MVK, Manna B, Shahu JT. 2022. A novel approach
to the designe of geogrid-reinforced flexible pavements. Int. J.
Geosynth. Ground Eng. 8:29. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40891-022-00373-3.
From a practical point of view, the results obtained can be used to
improve the design catalogue of flexible pavements, in particular for
those reinforced with geosynthetics (such as geogrids), for combinations
of traffic loads and base course CBR values.
order to calibrate the results, found for the prismatic beams in the
laboratory, a three-dimensional numerical modeling (x-y-z), using the
finite element method (FE), was developed using a commercial software,
which is based on the input of the geometrical and mechanical
characteristics of the experimental beam, of the bonding emulsion and of
the geogrid used The geometry, support conditions and loads are similar
to those of the developed experimental work (5252.
Noureddine O, Mouloud A, Fouad K. 2022. Static and dynamic behavior of
concrete structures reinforced with nanotubes modified composites. Rev.
Rom. Mater. 52(1):26–37.
). Meshing and convergence analyses were performed by testing the different models.
types of elements were chosen to model the cross-section of the tested
specimen (beam). All these elements were expressed in the adapted
software, according to the criteria of Mohr-Coulomb (5353.
Xie T, Qiu YJ. Jiang ZZ, Al CF. 2006. Study on compound type crack
propagation behavior of asphalt concrete. Key Eng. Mater.
324-325:759-762. https://doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.324-325.759.
The elements, of the asphalt concrete, were chosen as isotropic block
elements, while the elements chosen for the geogrid, and the bonding
emulsion, were one-dimensional linear elastic block elements. The finite
element model was validated by comparison with the results of the
laboratory experimental tests. Table 6 shows all the mechanical characteristics of the materials used in the
modeling, As the dimensions of the prismatic beam are involved and in
order to save computational time, mesh and convergence analyses have
been performed by testing the different models.
Material | Young’s modulus (MPa)) | Poisson’s ratio | Thiclness (mm) |
Asphalt concrete 1st layer | 4000 | 0.25 | 50.0 |
Asphalt concrete 2nd layer | 7000 | 0.25 | 23.0 |
Asphalt concrete 2nd layer E1 | 7500 | 0.25 | 51.0 |
Asphalt concrete 2nd layer E2 | 8000 | 0.25 | 51.0 |
Emulsion E1 + Geogrid G1 | 750 | 0.30 | 2.0 |
Emulsion E2 + Geogrid G1 | 800 | 0.30 | 2.0 |
Emulsion E1 + Geogrid G2 | 850 | 0.30 | 2.0 |
Emulsion E2 + Geogrid G2 | 900 | 0.30 | 2.0 |
Typical stresses and displacements, before and after reinforcement and along the main loading axis (static), are shown in Figures 17a to 17g. The values obtained indicate that the geogrids, whatever their results in a reduction in vertical stresses when placed at the depth of the pavement (at the interface). The tack coat (E1 or E2), created good adhesion between the two sub-layers (two-layer) and ensured that they did not delaminate or slip. The simultaneous combination (emulsion + geogrid) gave an appreciable gain in stress, thus the applied load of failure.
The highest values found for the stress of the control beam “R” (without reinforcement) is in the order of 40.506 MPa (Figure 17a), while the beam with emulsions E1 and E2, gave, respectively, maximum values of 48.506 MPa (Figure 17b) and 52.728 MPa (Figure 17c).
The emulsions gave gains ranging from 19.75% to 30.17%. For the
simultaneous insertion of the emulsion and the geogrid, values of 53.428
MPa (beam E1G1), a gain of 31. 90%, 71.407 MPa (beam E2G1), i.e. a gain
of 76.29%, 71.995 MPa (beam E1G2), i.e. a gain of 77.74% and finally
73.92 MPa (beam E2G2), i.e. a gain of 82.49%. These results confirm the
conclusions of previous similar studies, such as those of: Correia (5454.
Correia NS, Esquivel ER, Zornberg JG. 2018. Finite-element evaluations
of geogrid-reinforced asphalt overlays over flexible pavements. J.
Transp. Eng. Part B: Pavements. 144(2):04018020. https://doi.org/10.1061/JPEODX.0000043.
) and Rahman (5555.
Rahman Md M, Saha S, Hamdi ASA, Bin Alam Md J. 2019. Development of 3-D
finite element models for geo-jute reinforced flexible pavement. Civ.
Eng. J. 5(2):437-446. http://doi.org/10.28991/cej-2019-03091258.
), who studied the flexibility of flexible pavements using finite element (FE) modelling.
Regarding the deflection values found by the numerical modeling, it can be seen that the maximum displacement (in compression) at mid-span for the control beam (R) has a value of 0.349 mm (Figure 18a). For the beams with emulsion in the bilayers, values of 0.261 mm (Figure 18b) were found for the beam with emulsion E1 and 0.236 mm (Figure 18c), for the beam with emulsion E2. Gains of 25.21% for E1 and 32.38% for E2.
For the prismatic beams with emulsion and geogrid reinforcement (Figures: 18c, 18d, 18e, 18f and 18g), the values of the deflections are higher than the R-beam or the beams with emulsion (E1 or E2). This is due to the fact that the geogrid, as a result of the role it plays, slightly increases the deformation, which is by virtue to the higher stresses values (load) at failure. The beam strengthened by the geogrid G1 and emulsion E1 (E1G1), gave a value of 0.388 mm, i.e. an increase of 11.74%, similarly for the beam (E2G1), a value of 0.384 mm was found, i.e. an increase of 10.03%. The beams reinforced with the G2 geogrid have values of 0.408 mm (E1 emulsion) and 0.393mm (E2 emulsion) respectively, an increase of 16.33% and 12.61%.
comparison made between the experimental and numerical values found,
for the case of the prismatic beam (with emulsion and reinforcement)
showed that the difference between the predicted numerical values and
the measured experimental results did not exceed, 5% (Table 7),
which could be improved if a non-linear behaviour of the materials is
used. The stresses obtained from the numerical analysis gave comparable
values to those of the laboratory tets, with differences ranging from
1.55% to 3.89%, confirming that the chosen model is acceptable. The
differences in deflection values range from 1.13% to 5.30 %. It can also
be concluded from both analyses (experimental and numerical analysis)
that geogrids with good emulsion adhesion, regardless of their type,
improve the longevity of flexible pavements increase their bearing
capacity (5656.
Chang DTT, Ho NH, Yi Chang H, Yeh HSh. 1999. Laboratory and case study
for geogrid-reinforced flexible pavement overlay. Transp. Res. Rec.: J.
Transp. Res. Board. 1687(1):125- 130. https://doi.org/10.3141/1687-14.
Identificatn | Stress (MPa) | Deflecion (mm) | ||||
Experimental | FEM | Gap (%) | Experimental | FEM | Gap (%) | |
Beam R | 41.52 | 40.506 | 2.45 | 0.353 | 0.349 | 1.13 |
Beam E1 | 54.24 | 52.728 | 2.78 | 0.270 | 0.261 | 3.34 |
Beam E2 | 50.26 | 48.506 | 3.49 | 0.245 | 0.236 | 3.67 |
Beam E1G1 | 54.27 | 53.428 | 1.55 | 0.408 | 0.388 | 4.90 |
Beam E2G1 | 73.71 | 71.407 | 3.12 | 0.398 | 0.384 | 3.52 |
Beam E1G2 | 74.08 | 71.995 | 2.81 | 0.421 | 0.406 | 3.56 |
Beam E2G2 | 75.68 | 73.920 | 2.36 | 0.415 | 0.393 | 5.30 |
⌅The experimental test results of two categories of samples, simulating a degraded flexible pavement loaded to failure and pre-cracked asphalt slabs statically loaded to crack propagation from the notch as well as the in-situ pseudo-dynamic evaluation on a runway and the finite element modeling led to the following conclusions:
The geogrid, in addition to its role as a separator, can play the role of reinforcement and becomes more efficient by applying bonding emulsions at the interfaces of the bilayers.
The geogrids increased the crack propagation energy in the layer above the reinforcement by two to five times:
In the presence of emulsion binders, the bond between the asphalt layers does not deteriorate (debonding effect), which results in a higher bond strength for the two layers;
The three-point bending tests showed ductile behaviour of the geogrid-reinforced specimens and no tearing or disintegration of the geogrid was observed;
The stresses are reduced by up to 50% and the displacement is redued by 20% when geogrids with a layer of emulsion at the interface are used.
For pre-cracked slabs, the insertion of a geogrid layer with cathodic emulsion improves the modulus of rupture (MOR) by nearly 10% and the damping coefficient (k) is of the order of 2 to 5, which increases the service life of the reinforced asphalt pavement, by delaying upward cracking and reflection cracking;
The pseudo-dynamic HWD test was able to provide insights into the behaviour of the runway before and after reinforcement and confirmed that the goesynthetics reduced the stiffness of the asphalt layers compared to the unreinforced pavement, which corroborates the laboratory results;
The numerical analysis proved that the chosen model is in perfect harmony with the reality of the tested samples. Variations in deviation of 2 to 5% are still excellent and this deviation can be reduced by using a non-linear behaviour of the materials used (bituminous concrete, bitumen layer, emulsion layer, geogrid, etc.);
It is recommended that further work is performed The generalisation of this type of work on other real size flexible or rigid airfield runway or road pavements.