Materials used to build the wooden vault over the Plenary Hall in the Spanish Senate Buiding


  • R. Bustamante Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
  • J. Monjo Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
  • M. I. Sánchez de Rojas Instituto de Ciencias de la Construcción Eduardo Torroja de Madrid (IETcc-CSIC)



Pinus Silvestris, hand-mixed gypsum mortar, crushed fired clay, esparto fibre


The constituent materials used to build the wooden vault over the Plenary Hall in the Spain’s Senate Building (ca 1814-1820) are analyzed in this paper. Characteristics of gypsum mortar applied on pine beams, boards and blockboard, have been determined. The esparto (=needlegrass) fibre provides a framework for the gypsum mortar to ensure adhesion and forming the surface of the dome. Physical-mechanical properties of the burnt clay-lightened gypsum mortars were determined with laboratory tests, while the composition of these materials was found with XRD,SEM and IR.


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How to Cite

Bustamante, R., Monjo, J., & Sánchez de Rojas, M. I. (2012). Materials used to build the wooden vault over the Plenary Hall in the Spanish Senate Buiding. Materiales De Construcción, 62(306), 299–307.



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