Study of the cracking of sandwich panels of plasterboard and rockwool


  • J. A. Alonso Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
  • E. Reyes Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
  • J. C. Gálvez Universidad Politécnica de Madrid



sandwich panel, plasterboard, fracture, finite element, numerical modeling


This paper presents the study of plasterboard and rockwool sandwich panels cracking under flexural loading. These panels are usually used to perform interior partition walls and they frequently show cracking pathology due to excessive deflexion of the slabs. There are currently no reliable simulation models and experimental data for the study of this problem. This paper presents the results of an experimental campaign aimed to characterize the fracture behaviour of sandwich panels and their individual components. In addition, the paper presents a cohesive model with embedded crack to simulate the fracture behaviour of the panel. Finally we present the results of tests for mixed mode fracture (tensile / shear) commercial panels and their behaviour is reproduced with the cohesive model proposed, yielding a good fit.


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How to Cite

Alonso, J. A., Reyes, E., & Gálvez, J. C. (2013). Study of the cracking of sandwich panels of plasterboard and rockwool. Materiales De Construcción, 63(311), 403–421.



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