Size effect in the fracture properties of sandwich panels of plasterboard and core of rock wool




Gypsum, Method of finite elements, Flexural strength, Mechanical properties, Modelization


This paper extends the previous work of the authors and deals with the study of fracture of sandwich panels of plasterboard and rock wool under in-plane bending and tensile loading. It presents the results of the experimental campaign focused on the size effect of the tested specimens. To this end, mixed-mode (I and II) fracture tests have been carried out with specimens of three different sizes. The experimental results are compared with the values obtained from the numerical simulation of the test by using a model based on the embedded cohesive crack developed by the authors in previous published works. Comparison of the results shows how the model is able to reproduce the size effect of the specimens in this material from the parameters that characterize fracture behaviour. The aim is to use the cohesive model proposed by the authors to move from laboratory tests to a built panel.


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How to Cite

Alonso, J. A., Reyes, E., & Gálvez, J. C. (2019). Size effect in the fracture properties of sandwich panels of plasterboard and core of rock wool. Materiales De Construcción, 69(333), e181.



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