The alkali–aggregate reaction for various aggregates used in concrete


  • J. Gadea Universidad de Burgos
  • J. Soriano (CEDEX-Ministerio de Fomento, Madrid
  • A. Martín Universidad de Burgos
  • P. L. Campos Universidad de Burgos
  • A. Rodríguez Universidad de Burgos
  • C. Junco Universidad de Burgos
  • I. Adán Universidad de Burgos
  • V. Calderón Universidad de Burgos



alkali–silica reaction, degradation, expansion, mortar, SEM


The aim of this work is to contribute to the knowledge of the interactions between aggregates and the components of the interstitial phase of concrete and to determine whether those aggregates that are subsequently used in the manufacture of concrete are reagents and are therefore likely to undergo a progressive deterioration of their initial properties. An initial petrographic study of each aggregate is performed in order to be able to determine its subsequent behaviour and reactivity under the influence of various factors. The potential reactivity of different silicaceous aggregates (slates, gneiss, hornfels, granites, quartzite and serpentine) is then determined by a chemical method for evaluating the potential reactivity of aggregates and an accelerated method in mortar specimens, and finally the surface reactivity is investigated. The results of these studies suggest that some aggregates are able to react with the components of the interstitial phase of concrete. The existence of this kind of interaction is confirmed by the results of the surface investigations before and after the basic reaction.


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How to Cite

Gadea, J., Soriano, J., Martín, A., Campos, P. L., Rodríguez, A., Junco, C., Adán, I., & Calderón, V. (2010). The alkali–aggregate reaction for various aggregates used in concrete. Materiales De Construcción, 60(299), 69–78.



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