Obtaining a pozzolanic addition from the controlled calcination of paper mill sludge. Performance in cement matrices
paper de-inking sludge, active addition, metakaolin, cement with additions, cement propertiesAbstract
Mineralogically, the paper mill sludge consists essentially of calcite, kaolinite, talc and other philosilicates (illite, chlorite). When such sludge is subjected to controlled thermal treatment, its kaolinite component may be transformed into metakaolin, yielding a product with high pozzolanic reactivity.
This study was designed to analyze a number of scientific questions around the production of pozzolanic additions via controlled thermal activation of paper mill sludge and to evaluate the performance of such additions when included in a cement matrix. The findings show that paper mill waste activation is optimal when the sludge is calcined for 2 hours at 700 ºC in the 700-800 ºC interval. A comparative study between the cement made with the new addition and a commercial cement (CEM I-42.5R) used as a reference led to highlight the scientific and technical viability of this waste as a cementing secondary material.
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