Life cycle analysis and economic evaluation of cement and concrete mixes with rice husk ash: application to the Colombian context
cement, concrete, rice husk ash, life cycle assessment, environmental impactAbstract
Rice husk residues are generated within the rice industry. In this research, the environmental impact of the use of rice husk ash is evaluated as a replacement for cement in the production of concrete in the city of Ibagué (Colombia). The environmental criteria of cement and concrete production alternatives were evaluated through life cycle analysis methodology, using SimaPro 9.3.3 software and the Recipe 2016 Midpoint (H) evaluation method. The economic cost of each of these production alternatives was included. To carry out the study, surveys and interviews had to be undertaken with rice-producing plants, aggregates, cement and concrete plants in Tolima. It was corroborated that rice husk ash (RHA) generated during the rice husk (RH) gasification process for electricity and heat production was beneficial from an environmental and economic perspective when it was used in cement and concrete in the city of Ibague (Colombia).
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