Corrosion rate of steel embedded in blended Portland and fluid catalytic cracking catalyst residue (FC3R) cement mortars


  • E. Zornoza Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Valencia
  • P. Garcés Universidad de Alicante, Alicante
  • J. Payá Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Valencia



corrosion, catalyst, carbonation, steel, cement


This paper reports on a study of the corrosion levels in steel bars embedded in mortars made with a blend of Portland cement and (0-20%) spent fluid catalytic cracking catalyst residue (FC3R), with a variable (0.3-0.7) water/binder (w/b) ratio. The specimens were stored in the following conditions: relative humidity of 40, 80 or 100% and CO2 concentrations of 5 and 100%. The steel corrosion rate was measured with polarization resistance techniques. In the absence of aggressive agents, the steel was found to remain duly passivated in mortars with an FC3R content of up to 15% under all the conditions of relative humidity tested. The reinforcement corrosion level in mortars with a w/b ratio of 0.3 and 15% FC3R subjected to accelerated carbonation was similar to the level observed in the unblended Portland cement control mortar.


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How to Cite

Zornoza, E., Garcés, P., & Payá, J. (2008). Corrosion rate of steel embedded in blended Portland and fluid catalytic cracking catalyst residue (FC3R) cement mortars. Materiales De Construcción, 58(292), 27–43.



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