Properties of fly ash and metakaolín based geopolymer panels under fire resistance tests
Fly ash, Metakaolin, Mechanical properties, Pore size distribution, TemperatureAbstract
This paper presents the results of a study about the effect of fire on geopolymer paste composed of fly ashes, metakaolin and sodium silicate. 2 cm thick, 28 cm high and 18 cm wide panels were filled with the paste obtained. After 28 days of curing at 20 °C and 45% of relative humidity, different tests were carried out in the geopolymers: physico-chemical (density, water absorption, porosity), mechanical (flexural and compressive strength), fire resistance and environmental (leaching and radioactivity). The panels manufactured have been compared with other commercial panels in order to determine the recycling possibilities of fly ashes in manufacturing new fire-insulating geopolymers. The panels obtained can be utilized for the production of interior wall materials, with a good physical, mechanical, fire resistant properties without any environmental problem.
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